Argyle Street Bridge
caledonia & cayuga - june 19, 2022
My first trip out to specifically gather specific footage for a new episode that had just been written, and planning a long(ish) drive to a specific location to get it!
In all, everything went well. The bridge was where it was supposed to be, the swallows were where I needed them to be. The area was beautiful, the wide Grand river populated with gulls, herons, geese, and almost as many fishermen.
I like how every time I go out and am subjected to new shooting conditions I make little adjustments to my gear - what pockets to use, where I stick what, ideas for little quality of life changes I can make… I can feel the difference. I remember a time when switching lenses would give me pause and start an internal argument about whether I really needed that shot… now everything feels so much more fluid. With still a lot to improve.